Thursday, November 17, 2011
A Note From Teacher
"I am so thankful for Cameron! He is honestly never any trouble at all. He is always so nice to all of his friends and he is a lot of fun - everybody loves him. :) He's always eager to help me or the other kids with anything and he's already a great thinker and problem-solver. Thank you so much for being a part of our class!" - Miss Lynae
One. Proud. Mama.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
School Pics
Friday, November 4, 2011
Keeping It Clean on Halloween
He seemed to like being a fireman though. And in my humble opinion, he's good looking enough to be a fireman (inside joke for Mike's mom).
However, it just didn't seem right to dress him up in a random costume. We wanted to find something that was meaningful to him. A couple of weeks ago, Mike had this great epiphany: Cameron loves picking up trash and throwing it away, so he should be a garbage man for Halloween! I went on a hunt to find a mini-sized trash can that looks like the trash can that gets picked up every week, and let me tell you, this was harder than I thought it would be. While shopping for a basketball hoop at a sporting goods store, I found a small green cooler with wheels and a handle. When I showed it to Mike, he said, "Oh, a cooler." And when Cameron saw it, he immediately said, "Trash." So it was a winner!
I was also able to complete the garbage man look by finding a safety vest in the hunting section at the sporting goods store. (Why young children are hunting is an entirely separate discussion and blog post.) I printed off the Waste Management logo and pinned it all over the vest and trash can, and voila - we had ourselves our very own garbage man!