Friday, February 3, 2012

Break out the Elmo Colored Carpet

In honor of the upcoming academy awards and Cameron's 2nd birthday, I would like to present - "The Cammies." That's right, Cameron is going to honor the best performances and events in the year that was his second on planet earth. The actual winners will be unveiled at his birthday party (an Elmo-themed, Gymboree-located tribute to all things Suburbia) this Saturday. But without further ado, here are your nominees:
Best Musical Performance:
1. Lost in my Mind by The Head and the Heart - Also for your viewing pleasure, Cameron and I rocking out with our duet version (pretty similar, but a touch more pajama country) -
2. Up Up Up by The Givers -
3. Ernie from Sesame Street singing some song about faces (version not available)
4. Black and Yellow by Wiz Khalifa (Pittsburgh Steelers YouTube version) -
Best non-musical digital short:
1. Anything with a train it. This is one of his favorites, a classic he affectionately refers to as "Choo Choo Ight" -
2. Kevin Durant's Rucker Park performance - (there possibly could be some parental modeling on some of these)
3. Biggest wave ever surfed - (I'm telling you he really gets fired up as that wave builds)
4. Watching his father dominate at on-line Spades
Best Actor or Actress:
1. Elmo for his performance in the Elmo's World about Pets
2. Elmo for his performance in the Elmo's World about Family
3. Elmo for his performance in the Elmo's World about the Atrocities in Darfur
4. Elmo for his performance in the Elmo's World about Farms
5. Mr. Noodle's Brother, Mr. Noodle
Best Event in Sports:
1. Morehead State upsets Louisville in the 2011 NCAA tournament (You should see his inspirational chant of "Morehead state." It's become his rallying cry for the success of the little guy. And being a little guy is something that he knows a wee bit about.)
2. Cameron dunking on Jack Schaber and Kevin Hoard simultaneously (see: John Starks vs. Chicago Bulls)
3. Anytime anybody falls down in any sporting event
4. A mom and her son playing Tennis in the park (having to leave that event was definitely NOT his favorite moment of the year
5. The instructor from soccer tots wearing Elmo shoes
Cameron's most enjoyable Joke / Practical Joke of the Year
1. "Mumble Mumble Mumble" (poignant pause) "No Way" (hysterical laughter)
2. Farting (hysterical laughter)
3. Hiding in the pantry while my parents were baby sitting - causing a massive man-hunt
4. Taking off his pants in the middle of the night and shitting all over his crib (hysterical laughter)
5. Dressing up Reilly in hat ensembles
And those are the nominees for the five categories this year. Fill out your office pool and post it to the comment section. Whoever gets the most right wins a free night with Cameron (parents not included). Good luck everyone. And we'll see you at the Cammies!