Wednesday, August 13, 2014

National Graves' Vacation

Let's get right to it.  I'll supply you with a word or concept and then fill you in on every thing I've learned about that this summer.

Arkansas: Bill Clinton is a big deal here.  People here are so obsessed with merging before a lane closure that it's like having your own 4 mile express lane if you choose to drive like a rational human being.  However, the locals do not look kindly on this kind of rational thinking and making the choice to do so may put your life in danger.  On another note, this state does not supply their public restrooms with toilet paper.

Best Western Hotels: This establishment sometimes decides to merge its breakfast dining area with a Jacuzzi super store.  Using the spa to re-heat your entrĂ©e is frowned upon.

Dodger Stadium: Does not condone the consumption of alcoholic beverages in their parking lot.  And my powers of speech / self-confidence automatically revert to that of a 13-year-old when I am approached by a bike cop.

Chris Harrison: Throws employees off balconies in fits of power-hungry rage after people have the audacity to refer to him as "just a host."

Mindy Graves: Turns 35 tomorrow.  In honor of this event, she has trained our eldest son to refer to her as a "young lady."  She is a beautiful young lady.  She is obsessed with souvenir magnets and the magnetic attraction between Andi and Josh.  She makes pretty much everything in my world better (possible exceptions include my pride in regard to trivia games and my enjoyment of Wes Anderson films).

Billboards in the South: Are awesome. This is a coffee table book waiting to happen.  These were the three favorite I remember from our trip.  1) "Human Trafficking is NOT ok."  Actually helpful, because I was torn on this issue before I saw the sign.  2) "Use the rod - save your child's life." Our children did not like this one as much.  3) An advertisement for Truck stop / Indian food that stood next to a burnt down building.  I wouldn't have thought that those two things would mix well, now I know that they don't. 

Southern Californians: Should be required to spend at least one summer day in Atlanta each year before whining about the temperature outside.

Cameron Graves: Is not lacking for self esteem.  This week he expressed that he is "the best soccer player of all times" and "never makes mistakes because I am perfect."  He is also constantly fine-tuning a comedy routine centered around the word "booty."  Mindy does not appreciate his act so much, but I think she's missing the subtly of his genius.  My hope is that with the right encouragement he will continue to practice this material on Mindy non-stop until he is the greatest comedian of all times.

Carter Graves: I am often amazed at his ability to know what he wants in life and communicate that so clearly.  And he accomplishes this with a vocabulary of 3 words.  I have thousands of words at my disposal and struggle with this daily.  It should also be noted that Carter is at a stage of adorableness that words cannot describe. 

Family: We are blessed with such a generous and loving extended family.  I am very thankful that we got to spend time together this summer and look forward to many more summer vacations around the USA.

Mississippi: After our stay at the Motel 6 in Meridian, I was ready to crown it as the worst state in the union.  But then I remembered my three days of gambling and pool-hopping in Biloxi, I remembered how the sweet waters of the gulf coast can make a man come alive, I remembered chanting the name of that black jack dealer on the $5 table and drunkenly falling asleep by myself at our hotel diner... and I hate myself for even thinking about putting it in the bottom three.  So, you're welcome Arkansas.  The honor is still yours.

No, we are not there yet,