Thursday, February 23, 2017

Life in the Fast Lane

I was reading the blog to Cam at bedtime last night and it's amazing how many fun things I have totally forgotten about.  It inspired me to sit down today and chronicle some more minutia.  It also made me realize that we may need to destroy the blog in short order before the boys are old enough to really process the content.  So, let's just say that the blog is in a precarious point in its existence. 

So much has happened.  Carter is off to school twice a week, where he seems to bring delight and amusement to all.  I know I am completely biased on the matter, but Carter may be the cutest living organism in the history of ever.  And he fully realizes this.  He has a way of turning on his charm that can get him pretty much anything he wants and leave you feeling good that you were able to supply it for him.  I know I've written about this dynamic before, but it bears repeating because it only seems to be getting worse.  I think the clearest example of his capacity for mind control exists in his relationship with Meals on Wheels.  If you're not familiar with this organization, it's a program that supplies lunches for elderly or disabled people.  So every Wednesday - Mindy, Mindy's parents, and Carter set out on their Cedar Park route to drop off lunches.  Well, Carter has somehow found a way to transform this venture into year-round trick or treating.  Every week he comes back with an assortment of candy.  He's received stickers, books, DVDs, and snow globes.  I wouldn't be surprised if by the end of the year he had organized a way for everybody to just contribute straight to his college fund.  He doesn't ask people for things or carry around the things that people have given him to the next house.  He just carries an aura of "I am special and you should bestow upon me gifts."  Then he pretends to be ignorant of his powers and asks adorable questions like "why does everybody like to give me things."  Carter is sweet and carter is smart.  Carter is a major kiss ass.  He watches his older brother's attempts at open rebellion and sees them as an opportunity to increase his standing in the familial hierarchy.  He waits till the angry sibling has vacated the premises, then he'll cozy up next to you and let you know that he loves you so very much and you are the best parent in the world.  It's so pathetically transparent, but it never fails to be effective.  It's good to be the youngest.  It's good to be Carter.

Cam is also sweet and smart; but they are different.  Cam is determined.  Cam is strategic.  Cam is often serious.  Here's a story that embodies Cameron.  Shortly before the holidays I volunteered at Cam's school in the Watchdog program. As part of the day, I went to PE with Cam where they were doing the pacer run.  The pacer run is a fitness activity where you have to cross the gymnasium in a timed interval.  The time interval gets progressively shorter and you keep going until you can't make it across in the time limit. Let's just say that Cam is very serious about the Pacer run.  Going into the day he held the individual record for the first graders.  While waiting for his turn, a student from another class knocked him off his top spot.  And you could just tell by the his facial expressions and nervous energy that this was not going to stand.  The most amazing thing to watch about him running was that it was clear from the start that he had a clear game plan and he was going to execute it.  While many of the other kids began by sprinting across the gym, he started barely jogging, conserving his energy for the long haul.  When the intervals got quicker, he started anticipating the start signal and taking off a little early.  By the time it was only him left running, he was basically sprinting across the gym.  There was a real rhythm to it and he didn't even slow down or pay attention to the signals anymore; he was in a zone.  The best part was he was running in a collared shirt and tie for his Christmas program later that day.  And it seemed appropriate, because this boy was putting in work.  It was truly inspiring watching him just flat out compete like that.  He took back his pacer crown with a few extra laps tacked on.  Then he ripped off his button-down shirt and did the Cam Newton Superman celebration.  Ok, that last part didn't actually happen.  But I like to believe it happened in his heart. 
I'll leave you now with a quick story that illustrates the personalities of both boys.  While on a road trip to New Mexico over the holidays we were playing the "Would You Rather" game.  Mindy posed the question to Cameron that if he were sitting in his quiet classroom at school would he rather accidentally let out a loud burp or a loud fart.  Cam laughed at the silliness of the question.  He then thought about it for a few moments, carefully weighing which action would cause less embarrassment, before settling on the burp.  When Cam had answered, Carter said "ask me" in a tone of voice that managed to both remind me of Don Corleon and make it clear that he was sure everyone was going to enjoy his answer.  Then Carter waited for the question to be re-stated, paused poignantly to allow anticipation to grow, and said "both."  And there you go... no shame in his game.

Now go to bed boys!