8:00 AM - I check in with the receptionist. I notice that there are a lot of other people who schedule 8:00 AM appointments. The waiting room is already full!
8:10 AM - The lab tech draws two vials of blood from my left arm as a baseline. Because I just had blood drawn last week, I am an old pro at this and do not even flinch. But I still do not look and can't bear to see the needle before the lab tech sticks my arm.
8:15 AM - The lab tech gives me the glucose drink. It looks like Gatorade, but it does not taste like Gatorade. I am also unpleasantly surprised at the size of the bottle (see pic below) - when I took the one-hour test last week, they only gave me a Dixie cup to drink. I manage to drink it all, but the after-taste is less than savory.

8:22 AM - I finish the glucose drink, and the lab tech smiles sympathetically and tells me we will draw blood at 9:22 AM, 10:22 AM, and 11:22 AM. I go back out to the waiting room, where I learn there's no WiFi available. At least Bon Jovi is playing on "The Today Show."
9:22 AM - The lab tech notices I'm already bruising from this morning's first blood draw, so she draws one vial from my right arm. I go back out to the waiting room and find that Andre Agassi is on "Regis and Kelly" talking about his crystal meth addiction yet again.
9:50 AM - G-Baby is REALLY moving around. Note to self: keep this kid away from sugar when he gets older.
10:22 AM - I have a different lab tech this time. She draws one vial from my right arm. Although she was better at inserting the needle without too much of a pinch, I kind of miss the first lab tech. I wonder if she is on break or did she go to lunch already? Once I'm out in the waiting room, I discover that Kathie Lee is now on the "The Later Today Show" or whatever it's called. I'm curious how this show is different from "Regis and Kelly," and I wonder why Regis and Kathie just can't reunite.
11:22 AM - My original lab tech is back, and she draws the last vial from my right arm. We're done, and the test is finally over - hooray!
11:30 AM - I am extremely hungry, so I head to Chick-fil-A for lunch.
In total, they drew five vials of blood over three hours - Edward Cullen would have been jealous! My arms were a little sore immediately afterwards, and I have some small bruises, but in all honesty, the overall experience wasn't that bad. I should find out the test results in the next few days. Stay tuned!
Wow! Why the intense blood-draw series?
ReplyDeleteI didn't pass the one-hour glucose test that they give at 28 weeks last week, so I had to come in for this three-hour glucose tolerance test that measures your blood sugar level and tests for gestational diabetes. It actually wasn't too bad...definitely not as horrific as I'd been warned!