Yesterday, my co-workers Kristina and Gina kindly threw me a shower, and what great hostesses they were! My friend Rachel (who, by the way, I think should just quit her job and become a professional baker) made the cutest cake I have ever seen. Notice all the detailing and faux beading on the top layer. Rachel came up with the idea by herself and made all the characters by hand! Thank you, Rachel!
Below are a couple of my favorite gifts that we received yesterday. Here is a super soft fleece blanket and matching hat from Anne - perfect to bring home G-Baby from the hospital in! This pic is really funny of me - I think I am in the middle of saying, "OMG, this is SO CUTE!"
Monica knit booties for G-Baby - how adorable are these!
Tim and Maryleigh got us our diaper bag. Mike is very excited about the non-feminine yet functional design of this bag - this is one thing that he had a very strong opinion about while registering!
In addition to lots of other great gifts, my co-workers also pitched in to get us a gift card so we
can buy our stroller and car seat! My co-workers' generosity really touched me. I don't want to sound too cheesy or cliche, but I feel very blessed to work with such a wonderful group of people.
By the way, here are new belly pics:
Week #33
Week #35

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