Cameron had his first foray into solid foods this week At our four-month appointment, our pediatrician gave us a few signs to look for when he's ready to start solids: 1) he wakes up more in the middle of the night, 2) he leans forward to watch us eat, and 3) he no longer has the tongue thrust reflex. He definitely met two of the three criteria (unfortunately, he's no longer sleeping through the night), so I thought we should go ahead and start him on solids. Here's what happened:
Mike paused the video after one minute, so for those of you who are really interested in seeing the rest of Cameron's first solid meal, you can click here to view Part Dos.
Sitting Up
Part of the daily regimen at Daddy Daycare is working on sitting up, and I think it's paying off! He can definitely do the tripod sit, and even when he starts to topple over, he can regain his balance. Way to work out those core muscles, Cam!
Cameron has had one bottom tooth coming in for a few weeks now. It doesn't seem to have bothered him too much, because he's not been terribly fussy. However, when we do need to put the baby Orajel on his gums, he HATES it. His face instantly turns red and he starts trying to spit it out. It's been hard trying to get a picture of his baby tooth bump, but when I get one, I'll post it. I should also take a picture of him after getting the Orajel - that might be more interesting!
As I mentioned before, Cameron has not been sleeping through the night for the past few weeks and this has unfortunately coincided with my new 7:00 AM start time at work. I'm hoping that solid foods may help with uinterrupted sleep, but I also read on Christie Beck's blog that some babies experience sleep regression between 23-26 weeks. Whatever it is, I can't wait for the days when Cam will sleep for longer than three hours at a time again!
Pictorial Update
As per usual, we took Cam's five-month-old pics with Mike, and here they are:
check out the website for Wonder Weeks, it's a book, but I've just been going by the website. The idea is that their brains are making a big leap and are so busy that it interrupts their sleep. It's pretty interesting that even with all Sadie's issues she still follows this chart pretty well.
ReplyDeleteJealous of your no-fuss teething!