We finally decided on Cameron's Halloween costume, and it was none of the ones mentioned in the previous post. Instead, we decided Cam would be a greaser a la James Dean or Danny Zuko. This was the winning costume because: 1) the t-shirt was much less than a regular costume, 2) there's no shame associated with wearing a cool t-shirt, 3) he can wear the t-shirt again, and 4) this costume prominently showcases Cam's signature feature: his hair.
Here's our little greaser:
Here's our little greaser:
Here's Cameron enjoying his candy loot:
I did break down and buy an actual costume that was going to be the back-up costume, in case we couldn't find anything else. In the event that the greaser thing didn't work out, Cameron was going to be an adorable giraffe. We still put the giraffe suit on him tonight for pictures, but I am still fully intending to return it to Target this week. This is called the poor man's Halloween.
Also, if you people don't start commenting on Mike's posts, then you are going to be stuck with me as the sole author of this blog. His comedic relief doesn't come without a price tag: his insecurity as a blogger demands that you give him frequent validation, so please, for everyone's sake, comment on the next post he writes, if he ever writes another, which he's threatening not to...