We finally decided on Cameron's Halloween costume, and it was none of the ones mentioned in the previous post. Instead, we decided Cam would be a greaser a la James Dean or Danny Zuko. This was the winning costume because: 1) the t-shirt was much less than a regular costume, 2) there's no shame associated with wearing a cool t-shirt, 3) he can wear the t-shirt again, and 4) this costume prominently showcases Cam's signature feature: his hair.

Here's our little greaser:
Here's our little greaser:
Here's Cameron enjoying his candy loot:
Also, if you people don't start commenting on Mike's posts, then you are going to be stuck with me as the sole author of this blog. His comedic relief doesn't come without a price tag: his insecurity as a blogger demands that you give him frequent validation, so please, for everyone's sake, comment on the next post he writes, if he ever writes another, which he's threatening not to...