Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Consonants are Great

At Cameron's 9-month check-up, our pediatrician said that Cam's speech development was a little delayed because he wasn't babbling with consonants. Whenever he talked, it was, "aah aah aaaaaahhhh." Of course, Cameron comes from a long line of speech-delayed males, so this really shouldn't have come as a surprise to Mike and me.

But that all changed this weekend. On Saturday morning, Cameron went down for his morning nap as per usual. An hour and a half later, he woke up and voila! - consonants were suddenly a part of his vocabulary. And now the little guy won't stop with the "blah blah, da da da, ga ga ga." Hooray for consonants!

1 comment:

  1. This just goes to show you that every kid develops at a different pace. I kept comparing Jack to other babies who were already sitting up and then crawling far before he did, but he was doing pretty much every consonant sound a couple of months ago. So weird! Way to go, Cam!
