Mike dropped him off around 11:00 AM this morning. When he left, he said Cameron started screaming immediately. This made Mike feel very sad. On the contrary, I get the fun job of picking him up, so I arrived at the daycare around 4:15 PM. As soon as I opened his classroom door, I heard him crying. And it was that hoarse crying, so I knew he'd cried and cried and cried today. The teacher said he had just started crying right before I arrived because he saw other parents pick up their kids. She said he cried off and on the entire day. When he wasn't crying, he explored a little and also tried to steal other kids' animal crackers at snack time. (Our kid is THAT kid!) The teacher gave me a daily report, and on the section that said, "Today, I seemed to be...(fill in the blank)", she wrote, "Happy!" Does this look like the face of a happy child to you?!?

When we got home, things went from bad to worse for the poor kiddo: not only did he fall off our bed and land awkwardly on his neck, but he also dove face first into one of his plastic cars. All in all, a rough day! Now he gets one day to recuperate tomorrow before heading back to daycare on Wednesday...
Awwwwww... :0( By the things that happened to him when you got home, you'd think he was purposely trying to hurt himself enough to not have to go back to that place. Poor guy! Hope it gets better and better each day, Cameron! Mwah!