Friday, November 15, 2013

This is what's up

The following sentiments are truth.  Do not interpret as figurative or sarcastic.  Read, accept, move on with your day.

  • My freezer looks like an episode of "Hoarders: The Breast Milk Edition"
  • When you are the son of a psychologist you quickly learn many ways to express anger toward your parents.  Consider the following interaction between Cam and I on Halloween after we were briefly separated in a crowded cat tunnel (don't ask). Cam: "I'm mad at you because I couldn't see you." Me: "Sorry about that." Cam: "I'm really angry." Me: "I hear you." Approximately 30 second pause.  Cam: "I'm serious." Approximately 30 second pause Cam: "I'm still cross." And with that it was clear that we needed to cut down his Thomas consumption and stifle his emotional expression.  So I responded in a way I knew he could grasp. Me: "Stop being cheeky or I'll take you back to that tunnel and wall you in like Henry.  Now be a useful little engine and give me a Snickers."  You might not have any idea what some of that meant, but preschoolers all over the world would be shuttering in fear.
  • Speaking of Halloween, there was much debate about what Cam wanted to be.  Mindy asked him daily for a 2 month period, so as it neared we had quite a few options.  At one point, he wanted the family to go in a construction theme.  He said that he wanted to be an excavator.  He told Carter he was going to be a bulldozer.  He told Mindy she was going to be a steamroller.  And he told me I was going to be a pumpkin.  My son is already a master of social aggression.  A few days before Halloween, Cam had it narrowed down to a couple of things.  He either wanted to be a Chick-Filet worker or a princess.  Just to clarify, he either wanted to go as a cross-dresser or a homophobic fast food worker.  I wanted him to go as both to make a political statement.
  • Mindy seems to be enjoying her new gig.  She has infiltrated the ranks of multiple Mom's groups.  There seems to be a lot of walking, eating, gossiping, and organizing.  I'm not sure what the kids do - but fun appears to be had by all.
  • Carter smiles at just about anything.  He can sit up by himself,  but he's not quite mobile yet.  Those of us in the parents biz call this stage "perfection."
  •  Cameron is in a very competitive stage.  I hear you grow out of this stage in your 40s.  I, like all intelligent parents before me, use his internal drive as a means of manipulating him into doing what I want.  "I'll race you to the car," "first one to the bedroom wins," "I bet you can't sit quietly while I concentrate on my fantasy football lineup"...  these are just a few of the motivational tactics I like to employ.  But I'll tell you, I haven't experienced this much losing in my life since Hope basketball.
  • Cam, Mindy, and I are super into these "endless running" aps.  We started with Ninja Quest and moved onto Minion Rush.  We help Cam learn the skill of waiting his "turn" by making him watch us dodge obstacles and collect tokens.  Again, a good time is had by all.  And Cam is remarkably skilled at these games.  Forget sports and reading, I'm thinking professional gamer is his calling.  Now is the time to focus our collective efforts.
  • Cam just returned from an outing with a Mom's group.  He interrupted my blogging to announce that while he was there he enjoyed "watching a little girl pee."  And with that, I think I should wrap this up and do a little parenting.  This is what happens when you allow trains, ninjas, and minions to raise your children.
Good job listening!

1 comment:

  1. Finally caught up on the Graves' story. Enjoyed quite a few laughs, but to be honest, it just makes me angry at you for living so darn far away. ;) Anywho, I know you thrive on comments, so I thought I'd leave one. Can't wait to see you guys in March!!!!!
