Cameron turned two months this week on Tuesday! We went to the pediatrician for his two-month check-up, and he is now 13.5 lbs. and 23" long. Here are his two-month pictures with Mike.
At this month's visit, he also received three shots and oral drops as vaccinations. He didn't love the mouth drops, and he definitely did not like the shots in his leg - you would not believe how red his face turned! Here are the cute band-aids on his little legs.
In other news, we transitioned Cameron last week from sleeping in a bassinet in our room to sleeping in his own bed during the night. The bedding I wanted FINALLY came in - for those of you who remember, I ordered this bedding and then a pink floral pattern arrived in my mailbox instead. So with this bedding, Cam's room is finally finished. Now if I could only get him to sleep in his bed during the day...
I love the bedding!! I looked back at Jack's two month check up and he was 13.3, 23.75 in. They are so close to the same size! Mike will be happy Jack won't be pushing little Cam around.