- Walk! He started walking a little over two weeks ago, and he's steadily improved every day since then. He now walks almost everywhere, and crawls very little. He doesn't hold his hands over his head anymore, but he still holds them up while he waddles around.
- He's starting to sign more. His latest signs are for "bath" and "milk." The "bath" sign is really cute, because he rubs his belly with both hands.
- It's amazing how much he understands. You can tell him to close the door, turn off the light, go to the car, go to his changing table, and he knows exactly what you're saying. Yesterday my dad told him it was nap time, and he got up and walked to his crib.
- He's learned to throw. The other night, he threw a ball at close range and it hit me right in my forehead. We're going to work on accuracy next...or maybe he's precocious and I was an intentional target?
- He's learning to golf. He knows to use the little golf club to hit the golf ball. Seriously. Maybe we have the next Tiger Woods on our hands...hopefully minus the sex addiction?
- He's really starting to mimic the sounds around him. Recently I've heard him make siren-like noises several times.
- He's finally starting to eat more table foods! He's still picky about food that's too soft (i.e. fruit), but now he will at least eat sandwiches, quesadillas, and tacquitos.
- He knows to pet Reilly very gently. When Reilly's lying on the ground, Cameron walks up to him, squats down, and puts both hands very softly onto Reilly's side. He pets him a couple times, which lulls Reilly into a false sense of security because he usually works into harder pats and sometimes tail-pulling. Then Reilly gets indignant and jumps on the couch.
- He's become very cuddly...which makes this mama very happy. :)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
13-Month Skill Inventory
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Mommies Group on Blast, Part Deux
First of all, when I went to view the group's page on Meetup, it was a private page, and due to overwhelming demand, they had closed the group to new members. Fine, I can understand their desire to protect their kids' privacy, but I did think it's weird that they refer to themselves as members. But then I also noticed that the first two weeks are a free trial period, and after that, you pay $10 membership dues. Hmm...strange. And then I read the mini application that you have to submit to Big Momma before being approved by the group. I kid you not, here are the questions that you must complete:
- Introduce yourself
- Upload your photo
- Because we love our children and want what is best for them, we require a screening process to join our group and an attendance policy to stay in the group. Do you agree to these terms?
- What are the names and ages of your kid(s)?
- What would you like to get out of this group?
- If you were stranded on an island, what would be your choice of movie, cd, and beverage to have?
Like I said, I understand why there is a screening process. With that being said, I was surprised at how formal the group is. I just want my kid to play with other kids his age, I'm not trying to pledge a sorority, which is kind of what it feels like. I was also a little turned off by the fact that it's required to submit a photo. Does Big Momma only approve pretty mommies? Maybe I'm being biased, because of the previous injustice doled out to Mike, but I just didn't care for the elitist tone of the whole page. I haven't decided if I'm going to join or not, but I thought I could use my free two-week trial period to check it out and see if I like any of the other moms or not. As always, I'll let you know if my first impressions were confirmed or negated.
Anyways, let me know what you think about the mommies group and vote in the poll to the left.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Poignant Babbling
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Mommy Issues
I'm sitting in the class with some women that Mindy and I have befriended lately. These are super nice people and I'm enjoying my conversations. As usual I am the only male in the class above the age of 16 months, but I really have stopped paying much attention to that. I'm starting to feel like I'm just part of the group. Then it happens. The moment I've been waiting for. One of the mother's mentions that they have a "Mother's group" that meets up during the day for outings (i.e. going to the park, etc.) and she wondered if I would like to come along. My heart leapt. Eureka! Ever since I've been a "stay at home" I have longed to be a part of one of those groups at the parks and not just that male creeper lurking about and awkwardly butting into there conversations. Now I was going to have a group of my own. After checking out some books, I walked out of the library to find members of my group still talking with one another. Brimming with confidence and a feeling of belonging I approached the group with a big smile and a "hi there fellow moms." I then made a joke about getting together for "Mani / Pedi's" and everyone laughed, all the while our children played happily around us. It was lovely. We talked for about 5 more minutes then I headed home. I called Mindy on the way to share my excitement about today's events. The rest of the day felt like I was walking on a cloud.
I suppose, I should have seen it coming. I should have known it was too good to be true. Last night is when the hammer fell. I send out an email to the person who had invited me, so she could add Mindy and myself to the email list. I won't cut and paste the response I received, but allow me to furnish you with some of the highlights: "Mindy more than welcome," "Bunco nights," "Group organizer (aka head mom) said," "mom's not comfortable," "breast feeding in public," "You should really be working harder so the nurturing parent can be with your child," "take your penis and scram." Okay, I might have added a couple of elements there. Essentially, she told me that the group organizer (aka Big Momma) said that she thinks having a man there would change the dynamics and she offered to send a link to a Father's group I could pursue. And for the first time in my life, I have some major mother abandonment issues. I wasn't mad, just really, really hurt. I racked my brain for how to deal with the situation. After about an hour of deep thinking and intermittent sobbing I decided how to proceed. I sat down and wrote the following email (with some added explanations to you included within parentheses):
Dear J (aka nice person who kindly included me and is now awkwardly stuck in the middle of me and Big Momma),
You tell your leader that I will not take this lying down. As far as I see it, I have four options at this point:
1) Crawl away like the emasculated bitch that you clearly think I am to join a "father's group" who will undoubtedly never want to play Bunco with me (side note: it has been a dream of mine since my elementary school bunco party to once again play this game. The added Bunco component to this mess is really like a dagger to the heart).
2) Call a local news program and ask them to do an investigation on gender-stereotyping and exclusion by Mother's in the Cedar Park Community
3) Create my own "all-accepting" parenting group, subversively find out wherever your group is meeting, hold simultatneous meeting at that location that tries to both one-up your group and recruit all of it's members; thereby, destroying it
4) Put in for sex-reassignment surgery. Question: What are the mother's stance on transgendered people? I'd like to know how far I'd have to commit to option 4 to make it viable?
So you tell your leader that I'm weighing my options. Unless, of course she has a sudden change of heart. Good day!
I'm still waiting to hear back.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Return of the Blogger
We hosted Cameron's first birthday party on Super Bowl Sunday, which was actually his birthday. Cameron got to celebrate his birthday with all but one of his grandparents and great-grandparents. Cameron did NOT enjoy having "Happy Birthday" sung to him, and there was a very anti-climactic moment when he decided he didn't really like his birthday cupcake and wouldn't eat it. So unfortunately, we didn't get any good pictures of cake smeared all over his hands and face.
I'm afraid
Lets fast forward 10 minutes later. Cam is playfully feeding me a banana cookie when I happen to glance toward the back window and see Reilly's snout pressed against the glass. There was a look of rage in his eyes that made me shudder. I've never been caught in an act of betrayal like that and the look in his eyes chilled me to the bone. I now live in fear of his retaliation...