We hosted Cameron's first birthday party on Super Bowl Sunday, which was actually his birthday. Cameron got to celebrate his birthday with all but one of his grandparents and great-grandparents. Cameron did NOT enjoy having "Happy Birthday" sung to him, and there was a very anti-climactic moment when he decided he didn't really like his birthday cupcake and wouldn't eat it. So unfortunately, we didn't get any good pictures of cake smeared all over his hands and face.
Cameron went to the doctor for his 12-month check-up. He weighed in at 21 lbs., 14 oz. (40th percentile) and measured 29" (25th percentile). In all other health-related news, all seems to be well. Cam took his four 12-month shots like a champ, and we postponed his chicken pox vaccine until his 15-month appointment. On a side note, I read in the recent issue of Parents magazine that you can predict your child's height by adding 5" to Mom's height and averaging it with Dad's height. If we use this formula, then Cameron will be 5'11" - there's hope for him yet! But Mike says this formula does not account for the Asian factor, which means that we should then subtract 3". Cameron is going to have to learn sooner or later that his father likes to make sweeping stereotypes about his ethnicity.
Cameron started walking last Friday! He had been taking a few steps at a time before he dropped to a squat or crawl, but he finally strung together 15-20 steps and now he is finally bipedal. Welcome to the land of homo erectus, son! Cameron does this cute thing when he walks, where he raises his hands up over his head. We're not sure if this is a sign of triumph or if he's got a severe case of jazz hands. Either way, it's adorable, as you will see in the video below. You will also note my dad's level of excitement about all the walking.
We're having an interesting time with Cameron's diet. Transitioning to whole milk was no problem - in fact, Cameron seems to prefer whole milk to formula. However, eating table foods is a whole other matter. He only wants to eat baby food or hard food, like crackers, Cheerios, or very toasted crust. In fact, he's become quite the cheese cracker connoissuer: he can discern between Annie's cheese bunnies, Cheez-its, pepperjack Cheez-its, and Hot & Spicy Cheez-its. I guess the old saying is true after all: like father, like son. Anyways, after a mini-freak out about his diet, I read online that many moms have had this problem with their children, and the kids eventually grow out of it. So here's to hoping Cameron eventually starts feeding himself and not just feeding Reilly (see Mike's previous post).
Anyways, to wrap this up, sorry it's been so long between posts. I'm just now catching up on things and will try to post more regularly. And just for the record, I kind of wish I had two goddesses who lived with me to cook and clean and watch my kid. That Charlie Sheen knows what he's doing after all! (I just saw that Charlie just got fired from "Two and a Half Men" tonight - maybe he doesn't know what he's doing after all.)
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