Here are some of my favorite recent pics of our little smiley guy. I particularly love that his hairstyle is different in every photo.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
If You're Happy and You Know It...
Here are some of my favorite recent pics of our little smiley guy. I particularly love that his hairstyle is different in every photo.
Up in the Air
To all the weary and child-toting travelers, I'd like to know if you have any good traveling tips for Mike and me? What should we bring for the airport? What should we bring for the flight? What should we check in at baggage and what should we keep with us for the airport or flight? Is there anything to know about traveling on Southwest or Jet Blue? I look forward to reading all your advice!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Cameron's first sojourn in the air will go smoothly. I'm also hoping that Cameron hasn't inherited his father's fear of flying or then I will have TWO babies on my hands...
Playa playa
Which got me thinking... If I was an older single man, there would be no better way to pick up women. Rent or borrow yourself a baby and head on over to Hobby Lobby. You'd have six phone numbers and probably somebody would have knitted you something before you left. It would be like shooting fish in a barrel. In fact that should be a new expression for something that's just too easy. It's like seducing middle aged crafters with a baby!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Allow me to present today's itinerary: bank, post office, barber. Needless to say, we were all excited to head out on this great adventure. I'll skip the bank recap, because I used the drive through, and nothing remotely interesting happened. That's probably true for the whole trip, but you're going to hear about the post office and barber anyway. So I get to the post office and get in line. There are two workers. I look down for a second and when I look back up one of them has magically disappeared. When I came in there was one person in front of me. By the time I reach the counter, there are 15+ in line. Still only one worker. And in typical post office fashion, let's just say she was working methodically. Seriously, post office workers are completely unflappable. There's something inside of me that immediately gets a little anxious when I know there is a large group of people waiting on me. This thing motivates me to move a little faster. Post office employees have no idea what I was just talking about. I swear they should use the post office as a training facility for military bomb diffusers. Seriously they would be perfect for that job. Cool under the pressure of time constraints? Check. Comfortable working for a large bureaucracy? Check. Limited concern for their own life? According to stereotypes, probably also a check. I think those are all of the requirements. Seriously, tell me why this isn't a good idea?
Next the barber. We walk into an entirely empty hair salon. The stylist looks at me and tells me to please sign in. Seriously? There is literally nobody else in the place. Do you remember in Meet the Parents when Greg Focker is trying to board the plane and the stewardess keeps making him wait and making the boarding announcement over the loud speaker to an empty terminal? It was kind of similar to that. So I signed my name as Dr. Graves and made her refer to me as such for the rest of the visit. I cherish odd passive aggressive warfare. We are called back to her little swivel chair and Cameron is placed on the floor to watch the show. All and all, he looked rather outraged about the whole thing. I don't think he could believe that somebody would remove something as beautiful and precious as their hair. When the conversation turned to cutting Cameron's hair, the tears started to fall. I guess since all he's ever heard about is how majestic his hair is, he was probably worried about what his identity would be if it were cut. I understand. I felt the same way when I stopped wearing basketball shorts everyday in middle school. Nobody is even going to know who I am anymore. Anyway, me and the stylist had a nice long chat about cutting the little dude's hair and I almost pulled the trigger and went ahead with it. But I figured I better wait for permission from the true custodial parents, lest I anger her and lose my cush gig as a stay at home Dad. Cameron's first hair cut will wait for another day.
So we headed home and he fell asleep in the car. He stayed asleep when I carried him inside, thus giving me the opportunity to blog about our fascinating day. I am totally shocked right now that he has remained asleep in his car seat long enough for me to actually finish. I better quit now while I'm ahead. Next on tap .... tummy time and soccer. The day is young my friends.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Assassination attempt one
Then Cameron was born and things actually seemed to go rather smoothly. We watched Reilly carefully, but there appeared to be no signs of malice or hostility. He was gentle with Cameron. Unless his evil plot was to lick his fingers and toes to the bone, I didn't see any foul play afoot. Then last week happened...
All of the events as I'm about to tell them are true. The names have not been changed to protect anybody, because there are no innocent parties. Allow me to set the scene: Cameron is down for a nap. Reilly and I are sitting in the living room watching TV. I vaguely notice Reilly get up and walk down the hallway toward the bedrooms. I don't pay much attention to it, probably because he has lulled me into a false sense of security. Then I hear a door gently close. Hmmmm. I get up to investigate. I look in our bedroom. Nothing. I look in the bathroom. Nothing. I quietly open Cameron's door. And there he is, by the crib, looking at Cameron. A tiny pillow is wedged between his front paws. Well, okay maybe that last sentence isn't true. But I think it might have been if I hadn't gotten there when I did.
Due to these events, we are definitely reconsidering some of the procedures around the house. It used to seem like a good idea to remove Reilly's collar at night to alleviate the loud metallic jangle he creates whenever he moves about. Now, I feel like we are creating a stealthy assassin with free reign to stalk his prey undetected. I used to find it cute when Reilly would stick his snout in Cameron's ear. Now I shudder at the idea of the taunts and threats that are being whispered to little Cam. Reilly's blogging silence, which I used to interpret as a change of heart, is now clearly a clever ploy to lower the parental defenses. Well no more, pup. You missed your chance.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
A week in review
Let's switch gears for a moment and talk about an inherently fair and completely legitimate sports organization: the NBA. Cameron is blessed to only know a world where the Los Angeles Lakers are NBA champions. Although he wasn't able to stay up for the whole game, he did get to join in the celebration afterwards. There was much partying into the night in Leander, Texas this Thursday. We went outside to look for cars to tip over, but found that Cameron and I can't quite accomplish that on our own. Maybe next year.
Speaking of feats of athletic prowess... Cameron rolled over for the first time this week. Well, he actually rolled over at like four weeks of age, but since he hasn't done it in about two and a half months and it looked like his gigantic noggin was really just pulling him over on himself back then, we are counting this as his first official roll over for developmental documentation purposes. I do not think that it is any coincidence that this accomplishment occurred after he began Daddy Day Care. Clearly my specially designed infant plyometrics course is producing excellent results. I guarantee he will be walking by six months. We cannot be stopped.
Really, those are the high points. Here are some pictures to help everyone fill in some gaps. Cameron celebrating the Lakers victory in his Kobe Jersey (note he was in this for over four hours and refused to poop in it once... that's my boy!).
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Just the two of us

Cameron and I make a great team. I sneak in a fantasy draft for the world cup. Cameron starts screaming and writhing around on the ground when there is really nothing wrong with him in honor of soccer players. I read to him from depressing books. He mocks the hardship of life (while Reilly goes on hating it):
All in all I would consider day one a success. Highlight of the day was filming the Bounty fabric softener commercial:
Lowlight of the day, was when we returned from an errand and found a substance on the carpet that was unclear whether child or dog excreted. I spared ya'll a picture of that. But perhaps my proudest moment of the day was when Cameron went UFC on me and straight up head butted me in the nose. It was awesome. Tomorrow we're working on submission grappling. So, wish us luck in day two. I'll leave you with the quote of the day for tomorrow:
"It is not to be thought that the life of darkness is sunk in misery and lost as if in sorrowing. There is no sorrowing. For sorrow is a thing that is swallowed up in death, and death and dying are the very life of the darkness."
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
It is upon us
"Your ideas are terrifying and your hearts are faint. Your acts of pity and cruelty are absurd, committed with no calm, as if they were irresistible. Finally, you fear blood more and more. Blood and time."
And so it begins...
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Sneak Peek at Daddy Daycare
And like father, like son doing their best Blue Steel:
On a side note, I'm starting to wonder if we should get Cameron's hair cut soon. It's getting very long on the sides and in the back - almost a baby mullet. I'm not sure I could cut it myself, and I don't know if there are stylists out there who cut hair for four-month-olds?!?
Monday, June 7, 2010
Do I Have Something on My Face?
Not Just Mike's Blog
Cameron visited the doctor today for his four-month well check. He weighed in at 16 lbs. 2 oz., which is in the 75th percentile, and he measured 24.5" long, which is in the 25th percentile. WHAT?!? No wonder he looks like such a chunky baby - he's a round mound of baby pounds. I expressed my concern that he would be short to Mike tonight, and this was Mike's pragmatic response, "Well, in a room of four people, he wouldn't be the shortest person in the room." Thanks for that analysis, Dr. Mike. We tried to take Cameron's four-month pics last night, but the camera battery ran out so we will finish the photo shoot tomorrow night.
In other developmental news, Cameron now laughs, plays with toys (rings are his favorite), sucks boths of his thumbs (not at the same time), does happy baby pose (little yogi!), and reaches out to touch Reilly. But we're still working on rolling over! Maybe his stubby little legs in the 25th percentile aren't strong enough to propel his chubby body in the 75th percentile over...
Thursday, June 3, 2010
40 winks (literally)
I picked Cameron up from his super all-inclusive infant care resort (seriously, the in-laws are the best! His day is filled with work-outs, photo shoots, wardrobe changes, etc. It's amazing. I cannot thank Mindy's parents enough for looking after him these past two months. It has created such peace of mind to know that he is with them. We could never thank the Rudds enough. But perhaps dinner on us at Olive Garden might do the trick... That's the level of gratitude I'm talking about here. I now fear that I have gone too far in this parenthesized side note to even attempt to pick up where the last sentence stopped. Don't get angry with me lovers of all things grammar, but I am just going to pretend that there is not an incomplete sentence way up there and just start from here). After I picked Cameron up from his state-of-the-art, full-service baby center, he was really sleepy. I brought him home, clicked on the "Hurt Locker" for our viewing pleasure, and went about rocking him to sleep. Within about 2 minutes, his thumb was in his mouth and his eyes were drooping. But alas, all the gun fire from the movie kept startling him back awake. So I turned off our movie and moved him to his bedroom. I laid him in his crib and stood there with him to make sure he was really going to fall asleep. This is what he did. He started with his right thumb in his mouth, his left hand on his stomach, and his feet in happy baby pose. His feet would slowly drop down toward the bed as he drifted to sleep. As soon as his feet hit the bed, he would startle himself back awake. Eyes open, feet pop back up. About 5 seconds later, his eyes were closed and his feet were dropping back toward the bed. Feet touched down, startled awake. He did this 28 times. I counted. The plan was to keep waiting until he figured out a solution to his problem, but I grew impatient. I decided to hold the feet down for him. So what does he do? Left hand starts to drop and when it hits the mattress... boom, startled awake. So now I have him in a pseudo hog tie hold, with hand and legs pinned. And he was soundly asleep in about a minute. I didn't know I would have to restrain my child at such a young age.
On a side note, Cameron was sporting a shirt today that says "Property of Mom." I'm not sure if Mindy has heard of this little document entitled the Emancipation Proclamation, but I'm pretty sure that what the shirt is promoting has been illegal since the 1860's. Let the little man be free Momma!