From my perspective at least, it's been a good week. I'll give you a summary and then a brief photo montage. Let's see, what did we do this week? Well, we slept a lot, ate a lot, and watched a lot of soccer. The boy is rooting for USA, South Korea, and Cameroon (in that order). However, Cameron and I both have some major bones to pick with the sport of soccer in general. Cameron thinks
FIFA is the most incompetent organization since
BP (he is very wise and politically satirical for a four-month-old). He has three major points of contention. First, why aren't players allowed to actually see how much time is left in the game? That just seems like a rule that is designed to decrease strategy and skill (which by definition makes it a stupid rule). Second, how can referees call fouls without ever indicating what the foul was or whom it was on? Good thinking,
FIFA. If you want to keep your game on the up and up, it's brilliant to have zero communication and accountability for your officials. Third, the entire card system. It is totally subjective and variable from official to official, yet the consequences of it carry over from one game to the next. I have a new perspective for all of the rioting and violence associated with soccer and its fans. I used to think that it was associated with the fact that there are so many passionate fans in economically disadvantaged areas of the world. Nope, it is a result of creating a game that is clearly designed to drive people crazy. Anyways, that is all we, I mean Cameron, has to say about that topic. Go USA!
Let's switch gears for a moment and talk about an inherently fair and completely legitimate sports organization: the NBA. Cameron is blessed to only know a world where the Los Angeles
Lakers are NBA champions. Although he wasn't able to stay up for the whole game, he did get to join in the celebration afterwards. There was much partying into the night in Leander, Texas this Thursday. We went outside to look for cars to tip over, but found that Cameron and I can't quite accomplish that on our own. Maybe next year.
Speaking of feats of athletic prowess... Cameron rolled over for the first time this week. Well, he actually rolled over at like four weeks of age, but since he hasn't done it in about two and a half months and it looked like his gigantic noggin was really just pulling him over on himself back then, we are counting this as his first official roll over for developmental documentation purposes. I do not think that it is any coincidence that this accomplishment
occurred after he began Daddy Day Care. Clearly my specially designed infant
plyometrics course is producing excellent results. I guarantee he will be walking by six months. We cannot be stopped.
Really, those are the high points. Here are some pictures to help everyone fill in some gaps. Cameron celebrating the
Lakers victory in his Kobe Jersey (note he was in this for over four hours and refused to poop in it once... that's my boy!).

I did have some reservations about putting my son in an "alleged" sex offenders jersey. Here's Cameron doing his best Kobe mug shot pose.

And last
Laker-related photo, I promise. Here he is flashing five for the number of championship rings he has. Cameron can be kind of classless sometimes.

Moving on, here is Cameron hanging out with his good buddy Kevin. Overall, the interaction went well with genuine human interest in one another and only minimal physical violence.

Finally, here is Cameron chilling in his shades. Tell me he doesn't at least somewhat resemble Perez Hilton in this pic?
And agenda for this week is to start a diet. Just kidding, don't get mad at me out there all you apologists of healthy infant body images. The man is such a round mound of smiles these days. Well, that's all I've got for now. Good day.
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