Cameron and I make a great team. I sneak in a fantasy draft for the world cup. Cameron starts screaming and writhing around on the ground when there is really nothing wrong with him in honor of soccer players. I read to him from depressing books. He mocks the hardship of life (while Reilly goes on hating it):
All in all I would consider day one a success. Highlight of the day was filming the Bounty fabric softener commercial:
Lowlight of the day, was when we returned from an errand and found a substance on the carpet that was unclear whether child or dog excreted. I spared ya'll a picture of that. But perhaps my proudest moment of the day was when Cameron went UFC on me and straight up head butted me in the nose. It was awesome. Tomorrow we're working on submission grappling. So, wish us luck in day two. I'll leave you with the quote of the day for tomorrow:
"It is not to be thought that the life of darkness is sunk in misery and lost as if in sorrowing. There is no sorrowing. For sorrow is a thing that is swallowed up in death, and death and dying are the very life of the darkness."
I thought you might enjoy reading this, here's another daddy blogger (who, it also seems is the "stay at home mome" himself) Enjoy!