Sunday, October 10, 2010

Catching Up

I know, I know, it's been forever since we've blogged. Mike and I have basically dropped off the blogosphere. I told Mike that there aren't enough hours in the day for me to accomplish everything I want/need to do (like keeping the house, making Cameron's food, paying the bills, posting on this blog, working out, watching all my reality TV shows), so the only solution I can see is for me to work less. This did not go over well, as you can imagine.

So that's my excuse - work got in the way of my personal life and kept me from blogging. At the very least, I thought I should update you with all the latest happenings since our last post.
  • Nammy and Poppa Graves visited from the OC for a week. This meant that Cameron experienced his first Christmas in September. I'm serious, it was a major windfall, as evidenced in the picture below. I can only imagine what the TSA people thought when they X-rayed the suitcase with all the toys!

  • Cameron started crawling two days before Nammy and Poppa arrived. The contrarian side of him took over and he decided he just couldn't wait to crawl until they got here. Now he not only crawls all over the house, but he also pulls himself up on everything (the couch, the bed skirt, the dishwasher while open, me, Reilly) so he can stand. Here's the latest pic of him standing.

  • As a result of the newfound mobility, we had to make our first pass at babyproofing the house. So far, we've covered the electrical outlets and glued the rubber pads onto the doorstoppers. Thank you for that suggestion, Pam!

  • Cameron experienced his first loss to OU as a Longhorns fan. Here he is looking despondent in the fourth quarter.

  • The two cysts on Cameron's lower gums suddenly vanished. I was convinced they were budding teeth and I wasn't sure how our pediatrician could have confused them for cysts. Well, I guess our pediatrician knows what he's talking about after all. Note to self: Remove egg from face and don't question Dr. Spencer again.
  • Cameron got his first cold. This resulted in five VERY rough nights of limited sleep in the Graves household. It was the perfect storm of baby-induced insomnia: congestion, teething, and nighttime separation anxiety. Christie, as Cameron screamed and screamed for hours into the night, I completely empathized with how you must have felt during Sadie's earlier screamy period. Not fun.

  • I made a Taggies blanket for Cameron. I'd always balked at the idea of paying $25 plus shipping and handling for a 12" x 12" blanket, but then I suddenly realized I could make it on my own. I Googled the instructions and then embarked on a ribbon hunt. It was super easy to make, and I think it looks pretty cute, if I do say so myself.

  • I managed to badger Mike into submission/compliance to hire a photographer to take family portraits later this month. I had to resort to my most cunning and devious ways and employ a little reverse psychology, but I was finally able to get him to agree to appear in the pictures. I have consequently spent the last few days trying to decide what the three of us will wear. As Heidi Klum says, fashion is NOT matchy matchy!

  • It is finally starting to feel like fall in Austin. The morning lows are in the 50s, so I easily justified the purchase of a new winter hat for Cameron. Who cares if he can only wear this Sherpa-lined trapper hat for maybe a month or two out of the year...

That's the latest. We'll be better about blogging more often, I promise!

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