Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Inside voice extravaganza

So Cam and I finally made it to "lap sit" story time at the Library. I have to admit, it was actually really cool. There was no story - which was probably a good idea considering the attention span of their audience. Instead it was a large padded room filled with women and toys (aka: my idea of a good time). First parents, and to a lesser extent babies, participated in a sing along. Then a tub of toys was dumped out and the parents sat back and conversed while little people crawled around and essentially violated each others personal space. Basically it was like Gymboree, except free of charge and void of the awkward forced conversations about parenting.

But I wasn't kidding about it being a sea of estrogen. There were probably 20+ mothers in that place and I comprised the lone father representative. A little awkward, but if I learned anything from graduate school, it is the fact that I can hold my own in a land o' ladies. What I really learned today is my son is either a racist or really can't tell Mindy apart from other Asian women. I feel like I might need to mark Mindy on the hand with a marker like Michael from the Office. Seriously, of the 20+ mothers in the room two were of Asian decent. And these two Asian women were literally the only two adults in the room he approached. But, he didn't just approach them. He continually went over to them smiling, pulled himself up on there legs, and tried to crawl into their laps or arms. It was actually a little embarrassing. And it might have been made a wee bit more awkward by the fact that I kept winking at the women and telling them in a creepy voice that they looked just like his mother. Ok, that last part isn't true. But Cam did totally shun the white women. He told me later that as a general rule he finds them too high maintenance.

We did manage to make a friend with one of Cam's surrogate mothers. She was a real nice lady whose son was one day older than Cameron. I was really enjoying our delightful chat about the recall on teething tablets until she had the nerve to ask me if I "was JUST a stay at home?" How dare she?!?!?! After that, every time Cam went over toward her I would say with a slightly raised voice, "NO! She's not your mother!" You subtly disparage stay at home fathers and I passively aggressively retort. Ok, again, the second part really didn't happen. But inside I wanted to... I wanted to.

Overall, we were very pleased with our little adventure. We're planning to go back tomorrow. And I'm hoping to be able to teach Cam how to whistle the tune to "The Boys are Back in Town" by then. We'll see what happens.


  1. Sounds like a good time! Just doing my part to encourage your writing and let you know how much your wit, storytelling, and humor are appreciated.

  2. We went to a story time once in Eugene. And there was one man in the circle-of-song. Let us just say that he was very secure. VERY secure.

    I just sat against the back wall and chewed my gum - very hard.

    Actually, that's not true either. I might have been in the circle at one point. And there might have been some enjoyment too.

    Okay fine, it was me. I've done it too. I've been in the circle-of-song.

    This is cathartic. Do I owe you anything for this time together?
