Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Foodie Update

Cameron tried mangos for the first time yesterday. The report was that he was startled by them at first, but then he warmed up to them. Success!

So far, Cam has pretty much liked everything we've given him, and he's up to two meals a day. We're working on cup training with a sippy cup, and our pediatrician also gave us marching orders to work on his pincer grasp by giving him puffed wagon wheels. I realized it's been awhile since our last food update, so I thought I'd share all that's on his palate nowadays.

GRAINS: rice cereal, oatmeal, barley cereal
Next grain to introduce: brown rice cereal

FRUITS: avocados, bananas, apples, pears, peaches, mangos
(I made apples once, but then after coring, slicing, peeling, cooking, and straining, I realized it was just MUCH easier to buy organic, unsweetened applesauce!)
Next fruit to introduce: papaya

VEGETABLES: sweet potatoes, butternut squash, peas, green beans, zucchini
(I made everything but the peas and green beans - again, the straining is too time-intensive for such little final product.)
Next vegetable to introduce: carrots

I am a little concerned that Cameron's milk in-take is a little low, and maybe this explains why he's in the 30th percentile for height. I have keep to reminding myself that Cam is half-Asian, so it's really his genetics that are dooming him to a smaller stature. Also, our pediatrician says that these percentiles don't really correlate/project to adult height until kids are two-years-old, so we have a little time to catch up. In the meantime, Mike keeps asking me why we can't have a full-sized boy...


  1. Have you started mixing foods yet? WE haven't really introduced grains too much yet, but I plan on mixing fruit and veggies with those. Sadie loves bananas and avocados, it's the only way she'll eat avocados. And this morning she had carrots and apples mixed. We haven't tried much green foods yet. But I think I'm going to venture into meats...even though it still seems really gross to me to puree chicken!

  2. We do mix foods - applecado is a big favorite! We haven't tried bananacado yet, but I think I will try it soon, if it's such a big hit with Sadie. :) At night, I generally give Cameron some sort of cereal, and then mix some cereal into the fruit or veggie he's also eating. Wow, you are brave to puree meat...I'm really grossed about the idea of pureeing meat myself! Do you visit wholesomebabyfood.com often? I love it!!!
