Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Photo Update

Just thought our readers might enjoy some recent pictures.

Cam has recently learned he can make funny faces. He looks like he's angry in this picture, but he's really just messing around!

Our little ham scrunching up his face yet again!

Hanging out at the pool - trying to look cool and impress Haley McElroy!

Enjoying the view from the backseat of the car!

In the middle of a mini-meltdown at dinner time. He was smiling only seconds before!

This is what doing laundry looks like at Daddy Daycare. And is it just me, or does Cam look like Dobby, the house elf from Harry Potter? Mike says he gave him clothes to set him free - only true Harry Potter fans will get this nerdy joke!

Mike and Cam ventured out on a Daddy Daycare field trip to a Gymboree music class. Love the flower maraca!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Those first two photos are just AWESOME!!

  3. Re: the 2nd picture: Paul stated, "He's just making fun on Mike." I'll admit it. I laughed.
