Friday, September 3, 2010

Dead Air

Ya know... you go a few weeks without blogging and then so much time has gone by that it's difficult to just come back and pick up where you left off. So you keep waiting for something big to happen to give you a reason to blog, but then, of course, nothing but ordinary everyday things are happening. You start looking at your child with thoughts like, I wish you would just hurry up and crawl, then I would have something to blog about. But no, he just sits there stationary and staring at you with that cute, slightly disturbing, gummy grin. You know the people are pining for a blog, but you've got nada. What do you do? Well, first you consider composing an angry diatribe about the ridiculousness of pre-season college football polls and how the entire BCS system is ultimately plagued by the principle of confirmation bias. Then you think about creating an only slightly fictional tale about the great breast milk shortage of '10, where all remnants from feedings are collected into a community storage bottle used for emergency purposes. You ponder the idea of describing your first experience in that land of dandy and good vibrations known as Gymboree. And you toy with the notion of actually writing a serious blog about fatherhood. But in the end, these possibilities are found wanting. Nothing is written. The silence goes on.

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