Monday, July 20, 2009

As a great songwriter once said: "B-A-B-Y M-A-M-A"

On this day seven years ago, Mike and I got married. A lot has happened in these last seven years – we moved to Austin, we bought a house, we adopted a dog, we sold the non-air conditioned Escort…and we now have one more milestone to add to the list: we are going to have a baby! (Some of you may have noticed the logical procession towards parenthood.) Our baby, whom we will affectionately refer to as G-Baby, is due February 4, 2010, so the countdown to parenthood is on!

We first found that I am pregnant a few weeks before we went on our Mexico vay-cay, and so, as some of you Nancy Drews out there noticed, I was never photographed with an adult beverage in my hand. We actually met a lot of nice people on our trip, and we ended up blabbing the news to them. It was a little strange that so many complete strangers knew before some of our closest friends!

Mike and I went to my first doctor appointment last week. During the ultrasound, the technician had a hard time finding the baby at first, which caused some major anxiety for a few moments. She finally found the baby, and Mike and I got our first look at G-Baby. It was surreal to finally see our little baby (an already an active baby at that!) and we also got to hear the heartbeat! Here are some pics from the ultrasound. Mike and I personally think G-Baby looks like Lord Voldemort in this picture:

Here's a good one of G-Baby's profile:

G-Baby's tiny feet:

All in all, the doctor told us all is well and G-Baby is healthy. I’m 11 weeks, so we’ve only got 3 more to go until we’re out of the first trimester. I’m hoping that once I’m in the second trimester, the uber-sensitivity to motion sickness and propensity to fatigue will go away!

1 comment:

  1. Jack and I are so happy for you two and really excited that G-baby and Baby Jack will be so close in age. I see fun times ahead for the six of you.
    God Bless in all things,
