Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Beat Goes On...

Yesterday was my 14-week appointment, and all is well! I got to hear G-Baby's heartbeat, which was beating at 158 beats per minute! We also set a big date...on September 9, we will find out if G-Baby stands for Gilbert or Gilberta. I can't wait!

By the way, for those of you wondering, Mike and I decided not to do any genetic testing at this stage. The results wouldn't really affect our decision to carry the baby full-term, so we are just hoping that genetic history will be kind to us.

In other news, I am 15 weeks today. G-Baby is the size of an apple. Like Lacy O. said once, isn't it weird that our babies get compared to things we eat?!?

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for not doing the testing. We never do it either for exactly the same reason. :0)
