Friday, September 25, 2009

Stryker Watch 09'

Greetings Team Stryker. This is a post of celebration. Victory is ours. Since the news of our offspring's maleness I have been campaigning round the clock for the name Stryker. I have attacked Mindy from all sides: rational arguments, humor, positive reinforcement, crying spells. Nothing has worked. But just when I thought she had become an unmovable mountain of common sense, a miracle occurred. I looked her right in the eye and she blinked. She is on her heals now.

Allow me to explain. One of the tactics I have employed is floating the idea of using Stryker as a middle name. The largest obstacle to this is that I am the third in a string of Eugenes. Three consecutive generations of Graves men have held the regal middle name of Eugene. So my conundrum has been how do I fulfill my dream without abandoning my ancestors? Eugene-Stryker? Streugene? Then it hit me. An answer so obvious I don't know how I have missed it these past few weeks. To my utter disbelief and glee, Mindy agreed that if I could bring my idea to fruition the middle name of our first born will be Stryker. This is why there is dancing in the streets of Leander tonight.

Now all I have to do is convince my Father and my Grandfather to legally change their middle names to Stryker. I am asking my readers to please contact your closest Graves' male and implore them to do their duty. Together we can make this happen.

Michael Stryker Graves


  1. After yesterday's phone call from Michael requesting my help, I was a little nervous to approach the 'BLOG', not knowing the nature of his request. But this is a subject I can really understand since I have taught enough students with "creative" names to write a book!
    Well, I approached Richard with the idea of changing his middle name to Stryker. Anyone who knows Richard knows how cautious he is, always pondering the pros and cons of each question before making a comment. He felt he should sleep on this idea before making such a momentous decision.
    After a lengthy discussion this morning, he is willing to follow his son's wise council. "I will change my name after Michael changes his," he concluded. "But approaching dad (Harold) is his responsibility."
    Well, chalk one up for Stryker!
    Stryker's Grandma

  2. Awesome!!!! I feel as if a great wave of momentum is building.

  3. ok michael - this is Patty. You know, Aunt Patty.
    Please if you are going in this direction listen to me - my long , unfulfilled ambition. Let me make my case .... DOUG! Doug Graves. REALLY! it is sublime, subtle (like a ton of bricks, subtle).
    And Doug is such a good, virile, manly name. What's Stryker anyway? Stryker is Not Even A Real Name!
    I'll get behind you if you just come to your senses and do it my way ----- DOUG! Mindy, darling (oh and congratulations, btw) Come to your Senses.


  4. Hey Patty,
    Doug Graves is nice. Doug Stryker Graves might be better. Or Stryker Doug Graves? There it is. Perfection.

    Also if we have another child and it's a girl, a co-worker of mine suggested Robin. Say it out loud and it also has a nice ring.

    Good to hear from you Patty. Hope you're doing well.
