Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This is the best post ever!!!!

Welcome to my first re-occurring column. Tune in daily to view top 5 lists of overrated things in a variety of categories.

Today's category is people. I am going to start with the honorable mentions then unveil my comprehensive list of the most overrated people of eternity.

The following are all overrated: Mia Michaels, Michael Jordan, Bill Gates, Joan of Arc, Shakespeare, Renee Zellweger, Rafael Nadal, Angelina Jolie, Samuel L. Jackson, Mick Jagger, George Washington, Cleopatra, Oprah, Tim Tebow, and Michelle Kwan.

Drum roll please..... Ladies and gentleman, your top five.

5. Mother Theresa (don't be fooled, she was a self promoting machine)
4. Paul Revere (a person with an IQ of 60 could have accomplished his task)
3. Princess Diana (if you get cheated on people love you)
2. Christopher Columbus (we have a national holiday for the ninth guy to "discover" the new world)
1. David Archuletta (Those torturous weeks that he stayed on America Idol I thought somebody was slipping me crazy pills)

Feel free to debate this list, but if you believe that anybody included above has worth that matches their hype you are just wrong.


  1. Uh, is this your baby blog that you are using for shameless self-promotion?? Hmmm, mayhap we should add you to that list, Mother Teresa anyone?

  2. Yaawn. And Mindy, how are you doing since you are, you know, pregnant and all?

  3. Mayhap somebody is shamelessly promoting their vocabulary?
