Thursday, June 3, 2010

40 winks (literally)

Amazingly the Graves' family has made it over 4 days now without an evil wizard or dark lord breaking into our house and making me choose between my life or my son's. I'm hoping this run of good luck continues. Moving on, I thought I would take a second to share an event in Cameron's life today. I would like to warn all readers that the following is a stream-of-consciousness, meandering tale that is probably of little interest to anyone aside from our immediate family. You have been warned.

I picked Cameron up from his super all-inclusive infant care resort (seriously, the in-laws are the best! His day is filled with work-outs, photo shoots, wardrobe changes, etc. It's amazing. I cannot thank Mindy's parents enough for looking after him these past two months. It has created such peace of mind to know that he is with them. We could never thank the Rudds enough. But perhaps dinner on us at Olive Garden might do the trick... That's the level of gratitude I'm talking about here. I now fear that I have gone too far in this parenthesized side note to even attempt to pick up where the last sentence stopped. Don't get angry with me lovers of all things grammar, but I am just going to pretend that there is not an incomplete sentence way up there and just start from here). After I picked Cameron up from his state-of-the-art, full-service baby center, he was really sleepy. I brought him home, clicked on the "Hurt Locker" for our viewing pleasure, and went about rocking him to sleep. Within about 2 minutes, his thumb was in his mouth and his eyes were drooping. But alas, all the gun fire from the movie kept startling him back awake. So I turned off our movie and moved him to his bedroom. I laid him in his crib and stood there with him to make sure he was really going to fall asleep. This is what he did. He started with his right thumb in his mouth, his left hand on his stomach, and his feet in happy baby pose. His feet would slowly drop down toward the bed as he drifted to sleep. As soon as his feet hit the bed, he would startle himself back awake. Eyes open, feet pop back up. About 5 seconds later, his eyes were closed and his feet were dropping back toward the bed. Feet touched down, startled awake. He did this 28 times. I counted. The plan was to keep waiting until he figured out a solution to his problem, but I grew impatient. I decided to hold the feet down for him. So what does he do? Left hand starts to drop and when it hits the mattress... boom, startled awake. So now I have him in a pseudo hog tie hold, with hand and legs pinned. And he was soundly asleep in about a minute. I didn't know I would have to restrain my child at such a young age.

On a side note, Cameron was sporting a shirt today that says "Property of Mom." I'm not sure if Mindy has heard of this little document entitled the Emancipation Proclamation, but I'm pretty sure that what the shirt is promoting has been illegal since the 1860's. Let the little man be free Momma!

1 comment:

  1. So, I'm not immediate family, but I do have a son almost exactly the same age so this little story made me laugh. Well, I'm almost family, I'm married to Aaron. ;0) When are you gonna bring him to visit????
