Monday, June 7, 2010

Not Just Mike's Blog

A friend of mine made an inocuous comment about our blog last week, but I felt that it must be addressed in case there are others out there in the blogosphere who have the same sentiment. Last week, my friend Paul from high school emailed me to say how much he's enjoying, and I quote, "Mike's blog." Now wait just one second - this blog is definitely not Mike's platform to attempt a Cormac McCarthy-like narrative for a captive audience; it is a joint venture. Sure, if you're looking for a charming anecdote with fictitious numbers about how many times our son startles himself to sleep, then you'll look for posts authored by Father. Or if you want to search for insight into Mike's inner pysche and his fear of death, then you'll appreciate his posts. But when you want relevant updates about Cameron's development, then I'm your girl. And as such, here is the latest on our little man...

Cameron visited the doctor today for his four-month well check. He weighed in at 16 lbs. 2 oz., which is in the 75th percentile, and he measured 24.5" long, which is in the 25th percentile. WHAT?!? No wonder he looks like such a chunky baby - he's a round mound of baby pounds. I expressed my concern that he would be short to Mike tonight, and this was Mike's pragmatic response, "Well, in a room of four people, he wouldn't be the shortest person in the room." Thanks for that analysis, Dr. Mike. We tried to take Cameron's four-month pics last night, but the camera battery ran out so we will finish the photo shoot tomorrow night.

In other developmental news, Cameron now laughs, plays with toys (rings are his favorite), sucks boths of his thumbs (not at the same time), does happy baby pose (little yogi!), and reaches out to touch Reilly. But we're still working on rolling over! Maybe his stubby little legs in the 25th percentile aren't strong enough to propel his chubby body in the 75th percentile over...


  1. AAh, poor Cameron. You know someone told me (don't know if it's true) that baby percentiles do not at all correspond to future height and weight. The best predictor of height is genetics or some still hold out that multiplying their height at age 2 gets you the right number. So no fear Mindy! Cameron has time to grow into his chubby body :) FYI: Jack was 16lbs 9 oz 26 1/4 long. They are so close on their developmental trajectory!

  2. Mindy, thanks for the updates that we all really care about! :0) Don't worry, Jack is over 17 pounds and 27 inches, so he's really getting hard to hold for long periods of time. My back is already starting to hurt.
    He started rolling over just about a week and a half ago or so, so I'm sure Cameron will be there soon. I'll have to call you soon and catch up!
