Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Assassination attempt one

For those of you who haven't been reading our blog for a long time, allow me to provide some history. Before Cameron was born, there was much discussion about how our dog Reilly would adapt to his forthcoming human brother. That discussion evolved into a sense of foreboding when Reilly began blogging. His posts were at best resentful and at worst homicidal. Things were shaping up to a battle to the finish.

Then Cameron was born and things actually seemed to go rather smoothly. We watched Reilly carefully, but there appeared to be no signs of malice or hostility. He was gentle with Cameron. Unless his evil plot was to lick his fingers and toes to the bone, I didn't see any foul play afoot. Then last week happened...

All of the events as I'm about to tell them are true. The names have not been changed to protect anybody, because there are no innocent parties. Allow me to set the scene: Cameron is down for a nap. Reilly and I are sitting in the living room watching TV. I vaguely notice Reilly get up and walk down the hallway toward the bedrooms. I don't pay much attention to it, probably because he has lulled me into a false sense of security. Then I hear a door gently close. Hmmmm. I get up to investigate. I look in our bedroom. Nothing. I look in the bathroom. Nothing. I quietly open Cameron's door. And there he is, by the crib, looking at Cameron. A tiny pillow is wedged between his front paws. Well, okay maybe that last sentence isn't true. But I think it might have been if I hadn't gotten there when I did.

Due to these events, we are definitely reconsidering some of the procedures around the house. It used to seem like a good idea to remove Reilly's collar at night to alleviate the loud metallic jangle he creates whenever he moves about. Now, I feel like we are creating a stealthy assassin with free reign to stalk his prey undetected. I used to find it cute when Reilly would stick his snout in Cameron's ear. Now I shudder at the idea of the taunts and threats that are being whispered to little Cam. Reilly's blogging silence, which I used to interpret as a change of heart, is now clearly a clever ploy to lower the parental defenses. Well no more, pup. You missed your chance.

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