Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sneak Peek at Daddy Daycare

When Mommy's away, Daddy will play...with gel in Cameron's hair. When I came home from work last Friday night, I was welcomed by a faux hawked Cameron. I should have known - Mike has been dying to gel up Cam's hair since the day he was born. I consider this a sneak peek of how time will be spent once Daddy Daycare starts on Thursday...

A side view:

And like father, like son doing their best Blue Steel:

On a side note, I'm starting to wonder if we should get Cameron's hair cut soon. It's getting very long on the sides and in the back - almost a baby mullet. I'm not sure I could cut it myself, and I don't know if there are stylists out there who cut hair for four-month-olds?!?


  1. I love the last photo ... Cam's hair, as magnificent as it is, doesn't seem to really hold a hawk just yet.

  2. Wow that pic of Mike and Cam doing blue steel is definitely a keeper. Bet you can't wait to show that to his girlfriends someday. Haha!

    Pretty crazy that you even have to consider a haircut for your four-month-old baby! We didn't cut Brooklyn's hair til after she turned two. Our kids just don't have much hair. :0( Good luck with that!
