Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Haircut #3

I think I'm going to have to take Cameron to get his hair cut at least every six weeks. His hair has been so shaggy recently, it's probably better to get his hair cut every month. Really? This kid is going to have to get his hair cut more often than Mike or me!

I took Cameron to the hair salon this evening, and our experience was not as pleasant as Haircuts #1 and #2. He wouldn't keep his head still for the stylist and kept trying to turn to look at her. He also kept putting his hands up around his head, probably trying to defend his hair from getting chopped off. After all, he's been told his whole life how great his hair is and how much hair he has, and so of course he probably doesn't understand why anyone want to mangle his best feature. In fact, one time our next door neighbor said "haircut" to him, and he started crying. True story.

Anyways, if that wasn't difficult enough, there was also a head-banging incident. Somehow he hit his head on the steering wheel of the fire truck he was getting his hair cut in. (For those of you who have never been to a kids salon before, that last sentence sounds completely ridiculous, I'm sure.) I looked at him and I saw blood trickling down between his eyes. My first thought was that the stylist cut him with her scissors, but then I remembered that her scissors were by his neck when "the incident" happened. Anyways, the litle champ didn't cry at all, and now he looks extra tough with his battle wound from his hair cut.

Oddly enough, Cameron didn't seem to mind the clippers, and he stayed perfectly still. That's especially weird, considering he doesn't like random loud noises like the vaccuum cleaner, the ice maker, or the pepper grinder. Anyways, I think the haircut was abbreviated because of the open head wound, but I still think the stylist did a pretty good job.

By the way, you might have noticed another bruise on Cameron's forehead; that also happened on my watch while we were on a slide at the park earlier this week. Not a good week for Cameron's noggin!

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