Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm going to stream of conscious this mo fo

At the park today, Cam and I encountered a young person walking around and showcasing her budding vocabulary (i.e. mom, hi, arm). Then as I was lurking by the swings and eavesdropping on the conversational habits of female "Stayathomes", as I am prone to do, I overheard her mother say that she is still nursing this individual twice a night. Now I am really confused. How old is this baby? One of my new favorite pastimes is mentally guessing the age of babies then asking mothers to find out how close I was. It's kind of like guessing how many marbles are in the jar at the public library, except much easier and without prizes. This one was a stumper though. It could have been anywhere from 10 months to a year-and-a-half. I would have asked, but I didn't find this "Stayathome" particularly friendly and frankly, I was a bit frightened to discover the answer. Let me say this though, Cam has officially started loving the playground. And he's much more fun to take there then he used to be. He crawls all over the jungle gyms, considers taking kamikaze leaps off of high ledges (then invariably chickens out), and works the slides. And of course he loves to eat rocks. He knows I don't want him to do this too, which of course increases the pleasure exponentially. He'll look me directly in the eye, put a rock in his mouth, then turn and sprint-crawl away from me in glee. It backfired on him today though when, in an attempt to escape the rock police, he got wedged between a rod iron fence and a plantar. What can I say, disobedience is a bitch. I let him spend a few minutes behind bars in order to teach him "a lesson." And yes, I do get a good amount of my parenting skills from Arrested Development. When we got home from the park Cam was as "tired" as the hyper-hypo after he towed his parents car home. He had dirt smeared on his face, his hair was everywhere, and he smelled like sweat. In other words, he reminded me of myself in middle school. He powered down some beef flavored baby food and apple sauce, then hit the sack. All and all it was a pleasant afternoon...

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