Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Letter to Cameron

Dear Cameron,

I'm writing this letter because I love you and care about your well-being, and I DO NOT like watching you vomit after you finish dinner....especially after I've just taken off your catch-all bib. No offense, but bulging eyes and a red face due to choking isn't the best look for you. Plus, it's a little scary. Due to your hijinks and shenanigans, I'm now seriously considering taking a CPR class so I know how to clear that little windpipe of yours in the event it gets blocked again.

So in order to avoid future mishaps, I strongly encourage you to consider CHEWING your food before you swallow it whole. Whether it be Sprouts Stage 3 "advanced meals with texture" or goldfish crackers, please, please, please use your two teeth to bite and chew food until it's the proper size to be swallowed. And oh yeah, it helps if you don't stuff five goldfish in your mouth at once.

We've been working on food with different textures for the last six weeks or so, and I know that may have been a little late in the game. I read that we were supposed to start introducing textured foods to you earlier we did or there's a risk that we will have a very hard time getting you to eat them as a toddler. I'm very sorry about the delay, and I hope I haven't doomed you to a lifetime of bland dietary preferences like plain cheeseburgers and tacos with no lettuce...you may not understand that that jab was at your father, but you will soon find out for yourself that your father is a man who rather enjoys texture-less food.

Anyways, three vomiting situations in two weeks is enough for me. In the words of Uncle Joey on Full House, "Cut. It. Out."

Here's to hoping you didn't throw up everything in your stomach so you can sleep through the night tonight!


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