Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Few Pics

Here are a few of my favorite pictures of Cameron. I know I'm biased, but how can you not help but think this baby is absolutely adorable?!?

Here's Cameron's first sponge bath in the kitchen sink:

Here's some quality skin-to-skin time with daddy:

Sleepy Cameron:

Stern Cameron:

Strong Cameron flexing his biceps, with Mike's help:

Cameron "kissing" Mike (he was actually rooting on his cheek!):

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for finally posting all these pics! I know it's not easy to find time. I think my favorite is "stern Cameron" because Jack makes those faces too. I'm starting to believe they are already pondering what fantasy move they will be making next. :0) Congratulations on a beautiful baby! With gorgeous hair, I might add!
