Thursday, March 25, 2010

No mo nipple confusion

The man has his nipples down. He can go from bottle, to pacifier, to teat like nobodies business. We even lined them all up, blindfolded Cameron, and had him participate in a suck test. Dude wasn't fazed. He knows his nipples.

So Mindy is now putting Cameron in dresses. I just thought everyone should know. We were giving him his nightly bath this week and she whips out this "sleeping gown." She proceeds to provide a long-winded rationale about how the "gown" makes diaper changes far easier during the night. She says this to me like I'm not aware that dresses provide easier access. Anyway, I listened patiently to her reasoning (because I heard from a wise man at a wedding the other day that listening is the most important part of communication) and decided the "sleeping gown" was actually somewhat logical. Now I'm waiting to hear how she justifies the rouge and tiara I found him in this afternoon. Even our neutered dog thinks the emasculation has gone too far.


  1. C'mon, Mike! 'like I'm not aware that dresses provide easier access' too funny

  2. He's in good company! Kevin rocks the sleeping gowns and Dan is a big fan!
