Friday, January 22, 2010


The exclamation point to period ratio in Mindy's last post was off the charts. I've never read a post punctuated with so much passion. Personally, I don't think the exclamation point would really capture the tone that I am looking for right now. If only our dialect had a symbol that conveyed "holy S*$! this might actually happen NOW," then I would be using a lot of those. I think I had reached a state of quan by deluding myself into thinking that young Graves would not be arriving until February 4th. But the doctor's visit yesterday burst that safe little bubble. Mindy has become nothing but a walking cervix to me. I can't focus on what she's talking about because all I can think is "it's thinning as you talk." It's thinning a I type this now. It can't be stopped. Every time Mindy walks into a room I get the taste of lifesavers in my mouth. It's disturbing. Plus, let me remind you, the teacher in our birthing class said that "Orientals just squat and have there babies in a field." I thought this was just kind of bigoted nonsense, but since finding out Mindy is dilating without contractions I feel compelled to make sure Mindy avoids all agricultural areas. I would prefer the birth occur in the vicinity of some medical professionals. Seriously though, that news really has caused me to do some procrastinated mental preparation. I think I might be almost ready for this now. I guess we're going to soon find out. Bring it Baby!

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