Thursday, October 15, 2009

It is finished

Child birthing class complete. Considering the thoroughness of that curriculum, I think I am now qualified to be a doula. Seriously, I dare anyone to bring me a labor related question that I can not answer. You tell me the color of the discharge and I'll tell you what it means. It's like a mood ring, that discharge.

Mindy came up with the great idea of independently posting lessons we have learned from the class. The first lesson I've learned is that when Mindy comes up with an idea I'm supposed to say it is great and immediately go about making it a reality. Anyway, that segment is coming soon. I just wanted to give it a little advanced publicity. I'm sure you are all excited!

1 comment:

  1. If that's the only lesson you learned in the class, that's all you really need to know! You're all set!
