Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Little people seem to need a lot of stuff

So I knew that creating our baby registry was serious business when Mindy elicited a baby consultant (thanks again Pam). Unlike the labor class, this was not the place for jokes. There are times in a man's life when it is just better to keep your humor/common sense to yourself and mindlessly point and click the scanner gun as you are told. This was one of those times.

So I bring my opinion to this public forum, hoping to find more backup than existed in that "sea of mothers" called Babies R Us. First off, that store name makes no sense. They are not a baby nor do they deal in the baby trafficking industry. Second, I hate them. They prey on parents-to-be fears and insecurities. They package the same item over and over with a slight twist and try to make you think that you need every one. I think we could purchase one blanket and somehow find a way to "swaddle," "receive," "hood," "warm," and "feed," a baby. Notice the pronoun use in that last sentence, because I am not claiming I can do any of those things. But the blanket would not be my problem. Babies R Us have now joined Toll Roads, Parking Garages, and the Dutch on the short list of things I despise. I root for its destruction daily.

That being said, Mindy we have to buy that giraffe patterened miracle blanket. Stryker is going to be swaddled-to-kill in that thing. Simply adorable.

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