Saturday, February 6, 2010

7 cm

I'm sure everyone is going to be huddled around their computers all day following these proceedings. I'll give you a brief recap of events. Mindy received the epidural around 7 a.m. this morning and has been pretty much sleeping since. She says that she has not felt a thing, but she is 3 cm more dilated right now then when she received the epidural. She is very amazed by the marvels of modern medicine and questions why anyone would decline such an elixir of the gods. Ed and Linda are here at the hospital with us and we are just waiting as G-Baby continues his decent toward our atmosphere. It sounds like things are progressing at a good pace now and the little one will be making his appearance sometime today. I am now going to turn this live-blog update over to Mindy and transcribe everything she says until she tells me to stop. And go:

"Oh. Um. I'll just write later."

And stop. I think she said a lot with a few words there.

The nurse just walked in and stated that we might be having a baby by lunchtime. It's 10:15 now and I'm starting to get hungry, so that sounds like it might be soon.

Here we go......

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