Saturday, February 20, 2010

Cameron is a milkaholic

Cameron gained 13 ounces in a week. Apparently this is a lot. So needless to say, Cameron enjoys him some milk. This all is a beautiful thing because Cameron is now back over birth weight. Which means Mindy does not need to wake him up to feed him during the night. Instead, we can just wait until he wakes up on his own, which has only been once a night the past few days. Glorious!

Well, Cameron had his genitals trimmed this week. He seemed to love that. And I have to say contrary to what the baby book says, visually speaking, I prefer an uncircumsized penis. Well, at least on a newborn. And now every diaper change for the little guy has turned into a mini-medical procedure. There are ointments, vasoline, gauze, water, etc. Plus the warm water we have to sprinkle on his pecker makes him pee about half the time. So, somebody also has to be on point with the pee-pee teepee. I want to put a stop clock on it like a Nascar pit stop, but their aren't enough hands for trivialities like that.

We visited hobby-lobby today and I want to say something that I never dreamed possible. That is actually a pretty cool store. It blows Michaels out of the water. There are actually things of substance there. And the array of fake plants is awe inspiring. But, the real reason I bring this up is because I learned that middle aged crafters love my son. Seriously, people were coming out of the woodwork to stick their faces into his car seat. It was weird and I felt a strong sense of forboding. I didn't want to let my gaurd down around those crafters. I know they were looking at him with crafters eye and thinking to themselves about the craft they could make out of him (weird baby/flower calenders, nativity scenes, etc.) Your kind words and smiles don't fool me crafters. I'm on to you.

On a troubling note, Cameron seems to have a bit of a head tilt. It strikes great fear into my heart that this may be the warning signs of a future lazy eye. I always had a head tilt as a child and an optometrist once told me that the head tilt was related to my good for nothing eye that refuses to work as hard as the other. I will feel very guilty if I am genetically responsible for my son also enduring a lifetime of lazy eye jokes. I weep lazy tears as I write now. But there is a positive reframe. Cameron's strong preference for putting his head in one direction serves to really motivate head movement during tummy time (or as like to call it P90x neck plyometrics). He turned his head from one side to the other twice in his last opportunity on the mat. Another sign of phenom-like development occurred earlier today when he was clearly flipping off his mother while nursing. Who knew such a blatant sign of disrespect could be so adorable. Those little digits are just priceless. Those crafters should put a picture of that in their creepy calenders.

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